In the culture of Christian ministry one of the words I believe that has become completely overused and abused is the word "relevant". One can see this word used in a vast amount of articles, mission/vision statements, and books when addressing the subject of ministry tailored to supposedly the "next" generation, culture, community or group. So many times the word is used to describe an idea, philosophy, etc. that is completely not relevant at all. I am on the verge of loathing this word - I know extreme but true. So I was extremely tainted to the magazine Relevant before I had even read it simply because of the name. I had a pre-conceived idea that it would be just more white noise about ministry with no relevancy at all. I hear your thoughts - unfair, judgemental, biased, pig-headed. I agree - I can be these things. But again thanks to my wife (she is the wizard behind the curtain to my big bulging head on a screen) I began to read it and I was amazed - it really was RELEVANT! She was right. It is truly a fantastic magazine that speaks to the current culture and its issues. The articles are thought-provoking and spiritually challenging. There are also great reviews on music, movies and literature. The current issue is their 50th and it is well worth the read.
So the other day while I am sipping some green tea, I was riveted to an article written in Relevant by Alyce Gilligan entitled "Loving the Least of These". The article features James Barnett the twentysomething founder of an organization called Clothe Your Neighbour as Yourself. After experiencing injustice in Nicaragua he was moved to action. I was inspired by this young man who upon his return began a mission of sacrifice for God's Kingdom. It was not so much what he began doing, although living out of your van selling t-shirts and using the profits to minister to marginalized people is quite admirable, it was the connection that I could make with his passion. This young man had an experience with his Creator which moved him to action. I love action.
What he is doing is not revolutionary or original from a service perspective, as there are many agencies and organizations that minister to the marginalized communities of the world. What I found so compelling was that I could identify with him as a person and he was doing something attainable. He was not some big corporation or organization with its administration and machine-like operational standards. He was "just a guy" who wanted to make a difference in the lives of people. I can relate to that. But don't get me wrong. I am not saying that big corporate benevolence and large charities are wrong or bad. Heavens no! There has been much ministry accomplished and suffering alleviated because of their ability to mobilize people and resources. However, it is often difficult to get jazzed up or inspired personally about a brand or logo. It can be hard to connect and identify with a slogan or ad campaign (This is evident by Coca-Cola's new commercials that try to connect with their customers on a personal level). While these are great P/R and fundraising machines and have a great ability to inform they can be impersonal and appear removed from the street level. Having said all that, God uses many mediums to work in his kingdom.
I am not completely sure why, but there is something special and inspiring about seeing someone, just a regular person, moved to action by their faith and concern for the people around them. James Barnett, and people like him, show the rest of us that God is still working despite the polls and stats that say the church is in decline. Stories like this one show us that God and His mission are not confined to bricks and mortar and gatherings on Sundays only. What a big "holy cow" revelation (sarcasm intended).
In the above mentioned article James Barnett is quoted as saying " I want people... to make a commitment to live differently. Not just admiring the truth, but following the truth." (John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the way the truth and the life").
When people follow Jesus where he leads, being relevant will not just be a word in a mission statement or in a conversation at a trendy coffee house - it will be a reality.
Thanks for a very RELEVANT posting!
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